CARES Act Information

Published On: April 8, 2020By

On March 27 President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, into law. This is a $2 trillion package aimed at combating the economic damage from the coronavirus crisis.

Please see the below resources we have collected to help our clients better understand the CARES Act and how it may help their business.

US Chamber of Commerce Cares Act Checklist

SBA Guidance & Loan Resources Website

Cares Act Break Down Video Webinar by SAX, LLP

In addition to the CARES Act we also found a great article about the Tax-Free Section 139 benefits that have become available because of the Stafford Act designation that occurred on March 13th.

Coronavirus Tax-Free Section 139 Benefits Explanation by Winston & Strawn, LLP

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